Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Sweeper

As part of the offering, we will be reviewing various positions on the hockey field and inviting comment from hockey coaches around the best ways to utilise these players, whats expected of them and what characteristics make up a good player in that position.

The Sweeper is typically your defensive kingpin. Characteristics that normally make up a good sweeper include:
- Strong communication skills
- Speed
- Ability to read the game
- Good distribution skills
- Ability to throw and defend against the overhead pass

Different teams operate with different roles for the sweeper:
Some opt to have a roving sweeper either man marking a specific opponent
Others look to the sweeper as the last line of defence and to be able to switch the ball around
Other coaches have less rigid ideas where the sweeper and centre half simply interchange as and when they are needed

If you have comments on what has worked for you in the past and how you pick and utilise your sweeper, post it below

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